Costa Rica is one of the most popular relocation spots for US expats, however you may not be able to watch all of your favorite TV shows!
Things have changed a bit since we arrived 4 years ago. When we originally subscribed to Tigo, a local cable provider, they offered a package which included a decent # of US channels including 10 HBO channels as well as several CNN channels, (MSNBC was never part of the any package option). I generally watch CNN/MSNBC for the debates. I no longer rely on either for news, preferring to gather my own news via researched and trusted internet and youtube news sources -- but for those of you who do watch, this is the current situation.
Shortly after we arrived, NBC was abruptly dropped from the lineup.
According to Ricardo Cordero, Tigo marketing manager, some of the programs and series on NBC are under contract with other broadcasters in Latin America and the cancellation is not attributable to the cable company operators, rather a decision of the source.