We are finally in our new home!!

In the midst of a "pandemic"
With the number of Covid cases on the rise and both our city locations on "orange alert", I figured I better change our move date while things were still partially open. I moved the date from Sunday July 12 to Friday July 10. Very happy I did, because on Saturday July 11th, Costa Rica instituted the strictest Covid measures to date! The new restrictions for areas on orange alert cut driving down to one day during the week (and 1 weekend day) and closed all non essential services, bascially -- allowing people to go only to the supermarket, the pharmacy, vet and to seek medical services.
To put it simply...
We are on Lockdown!!

Since there is no "U Haul" or anything like that here, you are pretty much left to your own devices to secure boxes and packing material. I don't think they even sell bubble wrap here, so our best bet was to find people who had previously moved and get/or borrow supplies from them. In addition, there is no Bekins Moving service to call. Not sure what other people do but we relied on a reference from a friend and found a good mover who had a pretty big truck and 2 helpers. The mover had all the other necessary equiptment to move us.

There was no time limit stated and no round trip costs. They showed up prompltly at 8:00 am as promised and had our boxes securely on the truck and were ready to leave by 9:00am. Has to be the fastest movers I have ever had!! The cost to move us 1 hr away was 75,000 CRC (which is about $142 USD) I don't think I have ever moved in the states for less than $800- $900.
Some other things have changed too

Many of you Probably remember our beautiful Boxers, Bella & Brea. I haven't mentioned them in a while. Sadly, we had to rehome them some months ago while planning our move to Mexico, after we found out that Boxers are restricted from flying -- pug-nosed dogs like Boxers and Boston Terriers aren't fit to fly because they have difficulty breathing at high altitudes.
How sad was that!!
However with help from our vet we found the most wonderful home with a Costa Rican family that lived in another town not too far away from us. The family loves animals and has 4 other dogs including a Boxer named Lucy. They invited us over one Sunday afternoon to visit with the girls and made us a nice lunch. They still send us weekly photos!! They extended an open invitation for us to visit whenever we want. To be honest, the girls have so much more room to run and play as their property is huge, and they are a younger more energetic family (yep sorry to admit it LOL) they really enjoy taking all the dogs out on long walks.
We are grateful and thankful for this family!!!

Some weekly update photos

And last but not least..
